A medicinal plant with an exceptional geometric arrangement

BOUCEROSIA UMBELLATA Exceptional Geometric arrangement of Flowers almost 320 degree angle Bell shaped flowers placed towards upwards and on all sides as umbellata cymes. Five petals stripped with various designs and hairs ,Exceptional calculations on arrangements of Corona and Gynostegium. Botanical Name: Boucerosiaumbellata Family: Apocynaceae (Carallumaumbellata) Kannada: Hucchubangte, Molanakodu Tamil: Kallimulaiyaam, Eluman, Elumanpuli Telugu: Kundelukommulu, […]

शङ्खपुष्पी (One of the source using in Peninsular India) शङ्खपुष्पी (One of the source using in Peninsular India) शङ्खपुष्पी सुपुष्पी च शङ्खाह्वा कम्बुमालिनी | सितपुष्पी कम्बुपुष्पी मेध्या वनविलासिनी || चिरिण्टी शङ्खकुसुमा भूलग्ना शङ्खमालिनी | Botanical name: Canscora perfoliata Family: Gentianaceae കഞ്ചൻ-കോര, കഞ്ചാകൊര (Hortus malabaricus) शङ्खपुष्पी हिमा तिक्ता मेधाकृत्स्वरकारिणी | ग्रहभूतादिदोषघ्नी वशीकरणसिद्धिदा || For Varnya : […]
Jackfruit Tree – A Tree with edible food source and medicine.

पनस – Jackfruit Tree Uses of (पनस )Jackfruit Tree Infloresence , Fruit, seed,Leaf ,Leaf petiole etc… पनस पनशः ,कण्टकिफलः ,पलसोऽतिबृहत्फलः महासर्जः फलिनः फलवृक्षकः कण्टफलश्चैव स्यान्मूलफलदः ,अपुष्पफलदः Botanical Name : Artocarpus heterophyllus Family: Moraceae पनसपुष्पं Infloresence of Jackfruit (ചക്ക പൂവ്) Bitter and heavy in nature helps to clear the mouth.. तिक्तं पनसपुष्पं तु गुरु वक्त्रविशोधनम् […]