(under the aegis of Ashtanga Educational Trust)

The Leading Ayurveda Medical College Hospital & Research Center

Rasashastra | Bhaishajyakalpana

Iatrochemistry and Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics

Rasashastra & Bhaishajyakalpana (Iatrochemistry and Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) is the unique branch of Ayurveda, deals with the selection and collection of genuine raw drugs, different processing / Samskaras, preparation of different herbal, herbo-mineral, metallic etc. formulations; with their therapeutic indications, dose, anupana, pathya-apathya etc. in detail. Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana mainly deal with the pharmacognosy & Pharmaceutical aspects (Oushadha Nirmana) of Ayurveda.

Presently the doctors of the department specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of:

  • Dermatological disorders
  • Neurological disorders
  • Rheumatological disorders


Our Doctors

Dr. Sreejith R

BAMS, MD (Ay) Rasashastra, Ph.D

Dr. Sreelakshmi U

BAMS, MD (Ay) Rasashastra

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