- Exceptional Geometric arrangement of Flowers almost 320 degree angle
- Bell shaped flowers placed towards upwards and on all sides as umbellata cymes.
- Five petals stripped with various designs and hairs ,Exceptional calculations on arrangements of Corona and Gynostegium.
Botanical Name: Boucerosiaumbellata
Family: Apocynaceae (Carallumaumbellata)
Kannada: Hucchubangte, Molanakodu Tamil: Kallimulaiyaam, Eluman, Elumanpuli Telugu: Kundelukommulu, Kundetikommulu, Kundinakommulu
Habitat: Xerophytic, Scrub-forest, on shallow Rocky areas were less soil.
- The tender stems used as food to reduce appetite and excess fat accumulation.
- Some places stem used as pickles.
- Tender stems are used as blood purifier.
- The inner pulp of the stem is an excellent cure for cracked feet.
- Sreeshylam locals using the stem as natural soap to remove stains from the cloth.
- Carallumaumbellata has potential anti-diabetic property.
- Boiled stems are eaten for 5 days regularly at empty stomach for ulcer treatment.
Brahma Shri Madavanpillai Swami Maruthuvazhum Malai, Kanyakumari told this plant paste has a capacity to soften the rocks.
Prof. Dr. Ajayan Sadanandan MD(Ayu), PhD
Head – Ayurveda Ethno Medico Botanical Team
Ashtamgam Ayurveda Chikitsalayam & Vidyapeedham