(under the aegis of Ashtanga Educational Trust)

The Leading Ayurveda Medical College Hospital & Research Center

Jackfruit Tree – A Tree with edible food source and medicine.


पनस  – Jackfruit Tree

Uses of (पनस )Jackfruit Tree

Infloresence , Fruit, seed,Leaf ,Leaf petiole etc…


पनशः ,कण्टकिफलः ,पलसोऽतिबृहत्फलः 

महासर्जः फलिनः फलवृक्षकः कण्टफलश्चैव स्यान्मूलफलदः ,अपुष्पफलदः

Botanical Name : Artocarpus heterophyllus

Family: Moraceae


Infloresence of Jackfruit (ചക്ക പൂവ്)

Bitter and heavy in nature helps to clear the mouth..

तिक्तं पनसपुष्पं तु गुरु वक्त्रविशोधनम् ||    (कैयदेवनिघण्टु)

Young fruit (വിളഞ്ഞചക്ക )

पनसस्य फलं बालं कफमेदोविवर्धनम् |

वातपित्तहरं बल्यं दाहघ्नं मधुरं गुरु ||(कैयदेवनिघण्टु)

Kaphamedavardhana, vatapithahara, balya, dahaghna, madhura ..

It’s more tasteful when fruit mixed with salt water…

रुचिदं लवणाद्युक्तं पनसस्य फलं स्मृतम् ||


Gulma rogi and those with weak digestive power should avoid Jackfruit 

तद्विशेषाद्विवर्ज्यं स्याद् गुल्मिभिर्दुर्बलाग्निभिः |(कैयदेवनिघण्टु)

Ripened fruits… (പഴുത്ത ചക്ക)

Sweet, unctuous, heavy, Hrdya,increase strength, vitality, remove exertion, burning sensation, helps to remove shoshana,Rocha,grahi ,difficult to digest.

पनसं मधुरं सुपिच्छिलं गुरु हृद्यं बलवीर्यवृद्धिदम् |

श्रमदाहविशोषनाशनं रुचिकृद्ग्राहि च दुर्जरं परम् ||


पनसं शीतलं पक्वं स्निग्धं पित्तानिलापहम् |

तर्पणं बृंहणं स्वादु मांसलं श्लेष्मलं भृशम् ||

बल्यं शुक्रप्रदं हन्ति रक्तपित्तक्षतव्रणान् |      


रक्तपित्तहरं पक्वं विपाके स्वादु शीतलम् ||

तर्पणं बृंहणं वृष्यं मांसलं श्लेष्मलं भृशम् |

बल्यं स्निग्धं जयेद् वातं क्षतरक्तक्षयानपि ||(कैयदेवनिघण्टु)

पनसबीज – Jackfruit seeds – ചക്കക്കുരു 

Artocarpus heterophyllus seeds

An ideal neutrative edible sweet seeds..

Vrshya dravya…

The compound isolated from the seed of Artocarpus heterophyllus….Jacalin…has potential as a therapeutic agent for cancer.

Jacalin-derived peptide have been found to prevent HIV-1 infection in vitro studies…

Jackfruit seeds are a good source of starch (22%) 

Dietary fiber (3.19%)

jackfruit seed contains lignans, isoflavones and saponins, which are all phytonutrients that have health benefits that are wide-ranging from anticancer to antihypertensive, antiaging, antioxidant and antiulcer (Omale & Friday, 2010)

 Protein is another component that is present in jackfruit seeds with a composition that is 17.8–37% (Swami et al., 2012).

पनसोद्भूतबीजानि वृष्याणि मधुराणि च |

गुरूणि बद्धविट्कानि सृष्टमूत्राणि संवदेत् ||

मज्जा पनसजो वृष्यो वातपित्तकफापहः |


पनसोद्भूतबीजानि वृष्याणि मधुराणि च |

गुरूणि बद्धवर्चांसि सृष्टमूत्राणि तानि च ||

मज्जा तस्यापि पितघ्नो वृष्यः श्लेष्मानिलापहः |


पनसपत्र – പ്ലാവില

Artocarpus heterophyllus leaf ..

Medicinal uses of Jackfruit tree leaves 

1)अपक्व पनसपत्र …Mature leaf ….പച്ചപ്ലാവില

2)पक्व पनसपत्र ..Ripened leaf…പഴുത്തപ്ലാവില

3)शुष्क पनसपत्र ..Dried leaf ….   ഉണക്കപ്ലാവില

For Vatarogas especially in Ardhita and Akshepaka ,Vatahara taila like Ksheerabala taila apply Externally on surface of leaf and heat it, then swedana done to the affected parts by leaf…(Chikithsamanjeri)

1)पनसपत्र    ….   Mature leaf ….പച്ചപ്ലാവില

Kashaya Tiktha rasa ,Guru,Snigdha ,Ushna veerya 

Doshakarma …Kaphavatahara 

Karma …Bahya…Vatahara, Shodhahara, Vedanastapana



For Vatarogas especially in Ardhita and Akshepaka ,Vatahara taila like Ksheerabala taila apply Externally on surface of leaf and heat it, then swedana done to the affected parts by leaf…(Chikithsamanjeri)

2)पक्व पनसपत्र ..Ripened leaf…പഴുത്തപ്ലാവില

Rasa ..Kashayam, Tiktha 



Vipaka ….katu


Vatanulomana, Deepana, Vatahaphahara ,

Vicharchkahara ,Kushtaghna 

For Vatarogas especially in Ardhita and Akshepaka ,Vatahara taila like Ksheerabala taila apply Externally on surface of leaf and heat it, then swedana done to the affected parts by leaf…(Chikithsamanjeri)..

3)शुष्क पनसपत्र ..Dried leaf ….   ഉണക്കപ്ലാവില

Its vipadhihara ,padakushtahara

Dried leaf burned and that ash mixed with Nimataila or Coconut oil or Ghee for external application in conditions like foot crack and fungal infections on foot 

Modern research findings..

Leaves believe to posses wound healing effects, reduce pain, decrease abuses and relieve ear problems.

Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities on Foodborne Pathogens of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. (Moraceae) Leaves Extracts…shows antibacterial activity against foodborne pathogens

पनसपत्र वृन्त – പ്ലാവില ഞെട്ട്

Artocarpus heterophyllus leaf petiole ..

Medicinal uses of Jackfruit tree leaf petiole 

पक्व पनसपत्र वृन्त…..Ripened leaf petiole 


Rasa …Tiktha ,Kashayam 

Guna …Snigdha, laghu



Vatanulomana,Deepana, Vatahara ,Vishoochikahara

The combination of petiole and Jeeraka is best vatanulomana,deepana useful in various gastrointestinal disorders…

This combination kashayam is the Anupana for Danvantaram gutika..

പഴുത്ത പ്ലാവില ഞെട്ടീ ജീരകഞ്ചൈവ കല്ക്കമായ് പുനർനവസ്യസ്വരസേ  

കാച്ചു നെയ്യ് വായു കോപഹൃത് …

Reference….  Chikitsamanjeri 

Ripened petiol, Jeeraka as kalka preparing Ghee with Punarnava swarasa good for Koshtavata..

 As a Panajala  …

1/2 tsp Jeeraka 

1tsp petiole of Panasa leaf

 For 1 liter of water 

Useful in Gastritis as drinking water…


Prof. Dr. Ajayan Sadanandan
 MD(Ayu), PhD

Head – Ayurveda Ethno Medico Botanical Team 

Ashtamgam Ayurveda Chikitsalayam & Vidyapeedham