Agstyamarmashastra deals with Anatomical, physiological and pathological derangements of vital points of the human body. Pain is one of the prime symptoms of marmabhighata. For getting riding of pain and normalize the prana, innumerable external and internal medicinal preparations are mentioned in this treatise. This paper is highlighting some of the important yogas that useful in the management of pain due to different marma injuries.
Agatyamarmashastra was propounded by Adi Guru Lord Shiva. His Holiness Agastya muni made the science of marma into an elaborated in to the form of sutra , nidana etc. like titles.
Prana plays a vital and unique role in maintaining life in a living body. Marmas are the seat of pranas where srotas are formed into ending, twisting, branching and to ganglion-like areas. The injuries on these parts will result an imbalance of prana and it spread fast as like visha. So as the management of such fast spreading morbid condition is practically very difficult. For its correction we need specific protocols in medical management as well as in other technique like massage, bandage etc.
However two important corrections can be made easy, the restoration of anatomical structure and its function. The structural entities include the circulatory system, nervous system, ligaments, meniscus, bones etc. which are involved in such injuries. In all these injuries pain is the predominant symptom. To pacify such an increase of vata we need the utilization of different jangama, autbhita and pardhiva dravyas. The consistency of each tissue and functional aspects are different and hence different target reaching dravyas are needed for the selection.
Selection of dravyas and kalpanas
Prana present in body is termed as “Shiva” by His holiness Agastya muni. If it lost the body is “Shava”. The different pranaspresnt in our body is discussed in terms of the dasapranavayus (prana, apana, vyana,samana, udana, dhanajayan, nagan, krikaran, kurman, devaduttan). The chalana, spandana, jeeva are important karma’s of prana. Whenever such karma gets deranged the body will shows an irregularity of life. The above karma’s depends upon Guna’s like Rooksha , Laghu, Chala, Sookshma, Sheeta and Sara for their proper maintenance . So in sch all cases need a vatahara karma with shodahara, jeevaniya, anuloma, mootrala, sandhaneeya and manovahasroto pratyanika dravya utilization.
By considering all the above factors different snehas are being selected which are having different gunas. The sneha combinations are specifically got an upper hand in such situations because of its long retaining quality and capacity to pacify vata at the site of marmabhighata.
Some important yogas that are utilized for pain are illustrated below :-
Vaasamoola – 60gm boiled with 1 liter of water and get reduced in to 300ml.
Ariyaru, Pippali, Triphala, Rasna, Akravu, Kankola, Shunti – 75 gm each
All are made into powder and make into 14 equal parts.
1 part mix with above 300ml kashaya and boil to 150ml .
75ml (bd) for 21 days.
For pain related to chest area along with breathing difficulties.
Neelamundi, Sahachara, Prsnaparni, Akashavalli, Kiratatiktah, Metika, Twak, Rasna, Talisapatra, Laaksha, Jeeraka, Shallaki, Sarja rasa
Shunti, Ela, Vishnukranti, Udumbaratwak, Nimbatwak, Trivrt, Kiratatiktha, Amrutha, Kulatha, Maricha
For pain due to fracture, dislocation, strains, etc.
Nalpamarapatta – 250gm
Tender coconut water – 8 liter
Coconut husk juice – 8 liter
Prepare kashaya of above and reduced in to 18th(3days)
Kalka – Chitraka, Kupilumoola, Karanja bark, Shigru bark, Ketaki stilt root, Kasha kasha, Shunti, Shallaki, Saindhava – 10gm each
Paka – kharapaka
Kumari, Tambula, Shigru leaves, Paribadra leaves – Swarasa 150ml each
Vasuka, Karanja bark, Onion(small)
Coconut oil- 350ml
Kalka dravya – Kupilu- 60gm
Paakam – Kharapaka
Lajjalu, Vallibruahati, Utamamaruniswarasa – 1200ml
Kalka – Akarakarabha, Kuntala, Yashti, Rasna, Shunti, Pippali, Baalabilwaphala
Gorochana each – 5gm
Gogritha, Nimbataila, Erandataila, Tilataila, Nalikera taila each – 200ml
7. Kattujeerakadi talam
Aranyajajeeraka, Ela each – 5gm
In cow’s milk.
Shashasruti, Baalabilwaphala, Tugaksheerisatva, Jeeraka, Laksha, Shatapushpa, Kasha kasha each – 5 gm
Bhavana – Kumariswarasa.
Eye diseases and jihwastambha
Shigrutwak, Shunti, Shallaki, Kumarisara
Bhavana with Chinch swarasa
Apply locally with luke warm temperature.
Amrit, Akashavalli, Durva, Prasarani, Upakunjika
Bhavana with Thandulodaka
Dasamoola, shivanarvayambu, bala, vasa, gunjamoola, virali, sahachara, kamsasara, alambusha, nirgundi, tulasi, duralabha, chakralata, jevanti, amrtu, mammajika, tripadi, vasukasaptarangi, chitraka – 48 gm each
25 liters reduced to 18
Eranda, nimba, ingudi, tuvaraka, tila, ghrita – 400ml each
Devadaru, Vacha, Shunti, Maricha, Shatapushpa, Ela, Nimbatwak, Dhanyaka, Vallibruhati, Bilvamoola, Kumarasara, Shallaki, Akarakarabha, Rasna, Karkatakashringi, Kushta, Hribera, Chandana
All in equal quantity
Anupana – Pippali
Vishamajwara, joint sweeling, pain.
Trikatu , Triphala, jatiphala, Jatikosha, Lavanga, Mayaphala, Akarakarapha, Haridra, Jeeraka, Shringi, Katuki, Kusta, Ajamoda, Nimba, Kirata, Shatapushpa, Rasna, Vacha, Utamamarani, Kuntala, Vatagni, Yasti, Guggulu, Ashvagandha, Vishnukranta, Dasamoola and Laksha
The success of any treatment lies on proper planning and utilization of medicines in appropriate conditions, by looking patient’s body state and state of the diseases.
The regeneration of tendons, ligaments, muscles, nerves etc. along with its proper function of body is possible only by utilization of ideal drugs. For that Rasapanchaka , Panchabhoutika and Samanya-vishesha sidhanthas are utilized.
The science deal with vital life energy and fast spreading conditions, so needs multilevel acting combinations. We can find such combinations of numerous drugs in various preparations with each having its own importance.
Future perspectives
Agastya marma sastra is a treasure for mankind. It can be practiced only with proper incorporation of medicaments along with massages and other practical techniques.
The science deals with wide range of health problems that prevalent in present era such as various neurological disorders, sports and accidental injuries, musculoskeletal and degenerative disorders.
Combinations of herbal and animal products are the choice for the management of such cases. So it is worth looking into the combinations available in Agastya marmashastra for a better, effective management of various current health problems.
· Agastya Marmashastrasamahara – By Sri Kanjiramkulam K KochukrishnanNadar
· Marma Shastra Padangal – By Vaidya Sri K. KarunakaranNadar
Prepared by,
Dr. Ajayan S
HOD, Professor
Dept. Of Dravyaguna
Ashtamgam Ayurveda Chikitsalayam & Vidhyapeedham