(under the aegis of Ashtanga Educational Trust)

The Leading Ayurveda Medical College Hospital & Research Center

Maintaining Health

Ayurveda is a science which apart from treating/curing a disease gives equal importance to the maintenance of health and to prevent any ailments. Here are some health tips as per Ayurveda that will help you to retain your healthy status

  • ब्राह्मे मुहूर्त उत्तिष्ठेत्स्वस्थो रक्षार्थमायुष: (Ashtangahridayam soothrasthanam 2:1)

A healthy person should wake up 1 ½ hours before sunrise. (BrahmaMuhurtha)

  • भक्षयेत् दन्तधवनम्       (Ashtangahridayam soothrasthanam 2:3)

Teeth may be brushed after every meal

Abhyangam (OLEATION)

  • अभ्यङ्गमाचरेन्नित्यम्स जराश्रमवातहा
  • दृष्टिप्रसादपुष्ट्यायु:स्वप्नसुत्वक्स्तदारढ्यक्रुत्
  • शिर: श्रवणपादेषु तं विशेषेण शीलयेत्          (Ashtangahridayam soothrasthanam 2:9, 10)

Daily oleation of body will retard ageing, overcomes fatigue, improves visual clarity, provides nourishment, longevity, good sleep, good skin tone and a good physique.

Oelation should be done especially on head, ears and soles.

Vyayamam (Exercise)

  • लाघवं कर्मसामर्थ्यं दीप्तोऽग्निर्मेदस:क्षय:
  • विभक्तघनगात्रत्वम् व्यायामात् उपजायते            (Ashtangahridayam soothrasthanam 2:11)

Everyday exercise will keep the body light and efficient in activities, improves digestive power and waves obesity


  • दीपनं वृष्यमायुष्यं स्नानमूर्जाबालप्रदम्।
  • कण्डूमलश्रमस्वेदतन्द्रातृड्दाहपाप्मजित् ॥
  • उष्णाम्बुना अध कायस्य परिषेको बलावह: |
  • तेनैव तूत्तमाङ्गस्य बळ्ह्रुत्केशचक्षुषां ||      (Ashtangahridayam soothrasthanam 2:18)

While bathing, pour warm water below neck and cold water over head for the betterment of eyes and hairs.


  • जीर्णे हितं मितं च अद्यत् I             (Ashtangahridayamsoothrasthanam2:20)

Food should be taken only when previously ingested meal is fully digested.

  • मात्राशी सर्वकालं स्यात्मात्रा हयग्ने: प्रवर्तिका I (Ashtangahridayam soothrasthanam 8:1)

One should take right quantity of food at all meal times.

  • गुरुनामर्थसौहित्यम्लघुनां नातित्तृप्तताI
  • मात्राप्रमाणम् निर्दिष्टम् सुखंयावद्धि जीर्यति II      (Ashtangahridayam soothrasthanam 8:2)

The recommended quantity of intake of heavy food is half the amount of satiety.  Whereas light food items are to be taken in a quantity that does not cause much satiety. Thus it will undergo easy digestion.

  • अन्नेन कुक्षेद्वौअंशौ पानेनैकं प्रपूरयेत्।
  • आश्रयं पवनादीनां चतुर्थमवशेषयेत ||     (Ashtangahridayam soothrasthanam 8:47)

½ part of stomach should be filled with food, ¼ parts should be filled with water and the rest should be left empty.

  • Natural urges should not be altered at one’s will
  • Sneezing, yawning should not be done without concealing countenance.