Ayurveda Multi Speciality Medical College Hospital


Mindfulness, the Ayurveda way

This article was originally published here on TNIE on 26 May 2024

Ayurveda has always considered the mind as a basic functional element of human beings that has to be maintained in full vigour. A swastha (healthy) individual has prasanna (joyous) aatma (awareness), indriya (senses), and mana (mind). For a common man, the mind is a conglomeration of thoughts and emotions. Only when the mind loses its identity and becomes one with the aatma can one experience peace.

But, how will the mind lose its identity? It can happen when awareness becomes manifested existentially, meaning that the individual is aware beyond thoughts and emotions. It is this state that everyone intends to reach for a joyous life. Mental well-being should not be something that we must try hard to achieve but it generally has to be our way of life. This is the fundamental principle that Ayurveda puts forward.


Spouting loads of theory can be easy. Practically, however, achieving mental equipoise is something that everyone needs to understand. Anasakthi Yogam, the commentary on Bhagavat Geetha by Gandhiji, speaks volumes in two words: anaasakthi (detached existence) and yoga( union). Any activity or relationship can come to life only through the union of two factors: thoughts and ideology. But that union should happen with a balanced sense of attachment. But we need to practice it consciously. This would bring us to a state of living with awareness.


The manomaya kosha (the layer of mind) and pranamaya kosha (the layer of vital energy) is considered to exist adjacent to each other in the panchakosha theory put forth by the Yogashastra. Hence, controlling the breath which represents the prana vayu (vital energy) helps in controlling the mind. Regular practice of simple anulom-vilom pranayam at least for 10-15 minutes would bring a lot of changes to our state of mind making it calmer, quieter and peaceful.


Abhyangam is the regular application of oil over the body and scalp. It pacifies the vata dosha which is also responsible for controlling the mind in Ayurveda. Those people who suffer from anxiety, unhealthy obsession, temper issues, and difficulty sleeping shall necessarily visit an Ayurvedist and receive a personalised prescription for scalp and body oil.


Maintaining mental equipoise is thus a necessary element for a peaceful existence. Acharya Vaagbhata, the author of the famous Ayurveda treatise, Ashtaamga Hrdayam proposes a very relevant piece of advice: during the entire day, conduct yourself in such a way that you are anchored steadfastly in your awareness. For that, he advises ‘smrti’- the memory regarding a purpose in your life. Be it building a company, be it good parenting, be it building a home, or being a better human—whatever may be your purpose and your terrain of action—latch on to it, and you can experience the quench of your unwanted thoughts and emotions. Once you are aligned with your purpose, the key to better mental health is right in your hands; unlock and enjoy.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any health concerns or before making any decisions based on the information presented here. Ashtamgam is not responsible for any consequences arising from reliance on the information contained in this article.