Ayurveda Multi Speciality Medical College Hospital


Swasthavritham | Yoga | Naturopathy

Preventive Medicine | Lifestyle Management

Swasthavritham is a science of health, which prescribes the theory, and practice of the maintenance of public and private health. Swasthavritham in Ayurveda means maintenance of the health of an individual. The Ayurvedic lifestyle followed during the yester years and the vitality of the people living then is proof in itself on how beneficial following a healthy regime is. The rules and regulations in respect to maintaining proper well being of the physique are two-fold:

  1. Diet
  2. Observance of personal, moral, seasonal and spiritual conduct.

Our department focuses on:

  • Yoga
  • Smriti Meditation
  • Naturopathy
  • Diabetes
  • Healthy diet and lifestyle planning
  • Pulmonology – Cough, Ashtama, Wheezing, COPD, Bronchitis, respiratory allergies
  • Mental Health – Psychological & Psychiatric illnesses
  • Geriatric Care

Consultation Fee: ₹ 300/-

Our Doctors

Dr. Swathy V

BAMS, MD (Swasthavritta)

Dr. Dhanya C P

BAMS, MD (Swasthavritta)

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