Ayurveda Multi Speciality Medical College Hospital


Shadamgam Kashaya Choornam

It is an Ayurvedic formulation used in the form of powder. It is used in treatment of fever, indigestion and excessive thirst.


Product Details

Shadangam Kashaya Choornam


ഷഡംഗം കഷായ ചൂർണ്ണം

षडङ्गम् कषाय चूर्णं


INGREDIENTS: Each 10gm is prepared out of

Sl No Sanskrit name Botanical name Quantity
1 Ghana  Cyperus rotundus 1.67gm
2 Chandana  Santalum album 1.67gm
3 Shunti  Zingiber officinale 1.67gm
4 Ambu  Plectranthus vettiveroides 1.67gm
5 Parpata  Fumaria parvifolia 1.67gm
6 Usheera  Veteveria zizanoides 1.67gm