Ayurveda Multi Speciality Medical College Hospital


Ashtavargam Kashaya Choornam

It is an Ayurvedic medicine in the form of powder

It is used in treatment of Vata disorders


Product Details

Ashtavargam Kashaya Choornam

RS 90(100GM)

അഷ്ടവർഗം കഷായ ചൂർണ്ണം

अष्टवर्गम् कषाय चूर्णम्

It is an Ayurvedic medicine in the form of powder

It is used in treatment of Vata disorders

INGREDIENTS: Each 10gm is prepared out of

Sl No Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Quantity
1 Bala Sida cordifolia 1.25gm
2 Sahachara Barleria strigosa 1.25gm
3 Eranda    Ricinus communis 1.25gm
4 Sunthi Zingiber officinale 1.25gm
5 Rasna Alpinia galanga 1.25gm
6 Suradruma Cedrus deodara 1.25gm
7 Sinduvara Vitex negundo 1.25gm
8 Lasuna Allium sativum 1.25gm