Ayurveda Multi Speciality Medical College Hospital


Abhayapippaleemooladi Kashaya Choornam

It is an Ayurvedic medicine in the form of powder.

It is an Ayurvedic Preparation used for the treatment of Vata-kaphaja jwaram, Body pain, Constipation


Product Details

Abhayapippalimooladi Kashaya Choornam    

 RS 55 (50GM)

അഭയാപിപ്പലിമൂലാദി കഷായ ചൂർണ്ണം

अभयापिप्पलिमूलादि कषाय चूर्णम्

It is an Ayurvedic medicine in the form of powder.

It is an Ayurvedic Preparation used for the treatment of Vata-kaphaja jwaram, Body pain, Constipation

It increases appetite and improves digestion.

INGREDIENTS: Each 10gm is prepared out of

Sl No Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Quantity
1 Harithaki Terminalia chebula 2gm
2 Aragwadha Cassia fistula 2gm
3 Katurohini Picrorhiza kurroa 2gm
4 Pippalimoola Piper longum 2gm
5 Mustha Cyperus rotundus 2gm