(under the aegis of Ashtanga Educational Trust)

The Leading Ayurveda Medical College Hospital & Research Center

Aadaree Sahacharadi Kashayam

It is an Ayurvedic medicine in the form of decoction. It is used in conditions like Sciatica, Musclar pain, Inflammation, Arthritis.


Product Details

ആദാരി സാഹചരാദി കഷായം 

आदारिसहचरादि कषायम्

It is an Ayurvedic medicine in the form of decoction.

It is used in conditions like Sciatica, Musclar pain, Inflammation, Arthritis.

It is indicated in Nervous disorders, Digestive disorders, Respiratory infection. 

It is a good remedy for skin problems.

INGREDIENTS: Each 10ml is prepared out of

Sl No Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Quantity 
1 Adari Caesalpinia mimosoides 1.87gm
2 Sahachara Barleria strigosa 1.87gm
3 Suradaru Cedrus deodara 2.5gm
4 Nagara Zingiber officinale 1.248gm


Disclaimer: Consult a certified Ayurveda doctor before use. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional for any health concerns or before starting a new treatment.