Ayurveda Multi Speciality Medical College Hospital


Dr. Rajkumar G

BAMS, MD (Ay) Samhita Sidhānta
Specialization: General Ayurveda, Ayurveda history, Ayurveda Darsana and Sanskrit language

Focus Areas:

  • Geriatrics & lifestyle diseases

Speciality Clinics: _

Languages: Malayalam, English 

BAMS, Sree Narayana Institute of Ayurvedic Studies & Research, Puthur, Kollam

MD Samhita Sidhanta – Govt. Ayurveda college Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala University of Health Sciences)

Secured 59th rank in All Kerala Ayurveda PG entrance examination held on Aug 2015.

Served as Medical officer National Ayush Mission (NAM) “Arogyanouka Project” for a period of 3 Months at Alappuzha.

  • Presented a paper on “Influence of Sanskrit language in Ayurveda through Tarkasamgraha” at Govt. Sanskrit College, Thiruvananthapuram, 2016. 
  • Presented a paper on “Role of mind in endocrine disorders” in Rajatha 2017, the National Seminar on Endocrinology & Ayurveda – Exploring new horizons, held at Govt. Ayurveda College, Kannur.
  • Presented a paper on “The Role of Ama in Oncology” in Anveekshiki 2017, the National Seminar on Ayurveda Oncology held at Pankajakasthuri Ayurveda Medical College & PG Centre, Thiruvananthapuram
  • Published a Review article in Journal of Pharmaceutical and scientific innovation on A Review on the concept of Ojus (ISSN 2277-4572).

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