Ayurveda Multi Speciality Medical College Hospital


Dr. Nikhila Sankar M

BAMS, MD Ayurveda Siddhānta

Specialization: General Ayurveda, Kriya Shareeram (Human Physiology – Ayurveda)

Focus Areas:

  • Immune disorders
  • Disorders related to inflammation in the bones, muscles, joints, and internal organs
  • Gastro (stomach and digestive system) related conditions

Speciality Clinics: _

Languages: Malayalam, English

BAMS, Govt Ayurveda College Tripunithura, Kerala (Mahatma Gandhi University)

MD Ayurveda Siddhānta, Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvanantapuram (Kerala University of Health Sciences)

1. Have attended seminars on research methodology (arranged by KUHS), neurological disorders and Yogaparichaya by Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, CME on Kriyasareera by PNNM Ayurveda College etc.
2. Have attended a 3 day workshop on dietetics, also arranged by KUHS.
3. Have attended a workshop on Manuscriptology- preliminary & advanced, arranged by Fundamental Research division of KUHS.
4. Have attended a certificate course on HEALTH SCIENCE EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY by KUHS.
5. Have attended an online certificate course on MECHANICAL VENTILATION in Covid 19 by Harvard Medical School
6. Have attended an online course on HEALTH EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE by Harvard Medical School.
7. Has participated actively in a Project on improving physical & mental health through exercise in fifth standard students.

1. Buddhi niroopana- M.S ppt presentation at the Dept of Sidhanta and Samhitha, Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvanantapuram.
2. Moorcha- M.S.ppt presentation at the Dept of Kayachikitsa, Govt Ayurveda College, Tripunithura.
3. A compilation on Arogyarakshakalpadruma.
4. A presentation on the thesis (A Study on the Role of Virudha in the Manifestation of Vathasonitha)
5. Had been part of publication of by contributing to a chapter in “a concise study material on health research methodology”, by Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvanantapuram.
6. Cleared Phd Entrance Examination held by KUHS in 2019.

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