Ayurveda Multi Speciality Medical College Hospital


Diploma in Panchakarma Therapy

Ashtanga Educational Trust is committed to provide education emphasizing the values. It is prepared to mould the candidates into well trained professionals who can serve the ailing society in a better way.

According to Ayurvedic texts, Paricharaka or the therapist plays an important role in chikitsa. It needs talent, skill, passion, dedication and expertise in theoretical knowledge and practical training to make a candidate an expert therapist.

We at Ashtamgam would like to bring out the best of our manpower and knowledge to mould such a team of therapists by theoretical knowledge and practical training. This course is run by Ashtanga Educational Trust under the guidance of Dept. of Panchakarma, Ashtamgam Ayurveda Medical College.

Course Details

Course: Diploma in Panchakarma Therapy

Duration: 12 months (Academic – 6 months & Internship – 6 months)

Number of seats: 30

  • Candidate must have passed Plus Two/Equivalent
  • Candidates should be within the age limit of 18 – 35 years. 
  • Physically handicapped, persons suffering from chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiac problems, asthma etc will not be considered.
Additional Highlights
  • Opportunity to join YIC (Yoga Instructor Course) affiliated to S- Vyasa University.
  • Opportunity to join certificate course in Sanskrit affiliated to Central Sanskrit University.
  • Introduction to Jyothisham & Vasthu.
  • Introduction to Kalari & Marma Chikitsa
Application Form / Registration:
Course fee:

₹ 25,000/-

Bank Details:

ACCOUNT NUMBER:919010070921281
IFSC: UTIB0003001

Contact Details:

Main Office:  Tel: +91 466 237 2000 Mobile / WhatsApp: +91 828 137 2000

Address: Ashtamgam Ayurveda Chikitsalayam & Vidyapeedham, 4/495A, Vavanoor, Koottanad, Palakkad, Dt. – 679 533 Kerala, India.