(under the aegis of Ashtanga Educational Trust)

The Leading Ayurveda Medical College Hospital & Research Center


Steeped in the profound traditions of Ayurveda, Jeerakaarishtam stands as a testament to the healing power of nature’s botanicals. This meticulously crafted formulation has been revered for centuries as a potent solution for a wide range of digestive ailments, offering a comprehensive approach to restoring and maintaining optimal digestive health.


Product Details

Ancient Ayurvedic Marvel: Jeerakaarishtam

A Time-Honored Remedy for Digestive Wellness

Steeped in the profound traditions of Ayurveda, Jeerakaarishtam stands as a testament to the healing power of nature’s botanicals. This meticulously crafted formulation has been revered for centuries as a potent solution for a wide range of digestive ailments, offering a comprehensive approach to restoring and maintaining optimal digestive health.

Taming Digestive Discomforts

At the heart of Jeerakaarishtam lies its ability to alleviate the discomforts associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, and acid peptic disorders. By gently soothing the digestive tract and reducing gas formation, flatulence, and bloating, this remarkable formulation provides much-needed relief to those suffering from digestive distress.

A Holistic Approach to Digestive Wellness

Jeerakaarishtam offers a comprehensive approach to digestive well-being, addressing a wide range of concerns with its diverse medicinal properties:

  1. Aam Pachak (Detoxifier): Aiding in the elimination of toxins from the body.
  2. Uterine Detoxifier: Facilitating the removal of toxins from the uterus, particularly beneficial during the postpartum period.
  3. Appetizer: Stimulating appetite and promoting healthy eating habits.
  4. Digestive Stimulant: Enhancing digestive capacity and supporting efficient nutrient absorption.
  5. Stomachic: Providing strength and nourishment to the stomach, liver, and intestines.
  6. Mild Antipyretic and Antibacterial: Offering relief from fever and supporting the body’s defenses against infections.
  7. Antidiarrheal: Alleviating loose stools and promoting regular bowel movements.
  8. Antispasmodic and Carminative: Reducing spasms and excessive gas formation.
  9. Antipruritic: Providing relief from itching and skin irritations.
  10. Galactagogue: Supporting lactation in nursing mothers.

Unlocking Nature’s Synergistic Harmony

Through the harmonious interplay of its meticulously selected ingredients, Jeerakaarishtam unveils a multitude of restorative properties, harnessing the synergistic powers of nature’s gifts to promote optimal digestive health and overall well-being.

Embrace the Path to Digestive Restoration

With Jeerakaarishtam, individuals embark on a transformative journey towards digestive restoration. By harnessing the profound wisdom of Ayurveda and the restorative power of nature’s botanicals, this exceptional formulation guides them towards a harmonious balance of alleviated digestive discomforts, improved appetite, and a profound sense of overall vitality.